There is something easy about emails. Emails give you time; time to confer, time to double-check, time to weigh up the pros and cons – time to respond. While fewer and fewer of us are picking up the phone to contact customer services, an increasing number are using public social media profiles to make complaints or enquiries. These days everybody is a publisher, each with their own personal channel giving them the ability to vent their frustrations, criticise products, services, companies and brands publicly.
Have no doubt about it; social media can be incredibly powerful. Twitter particularly has influenced news headlines, breaking the Trafigura scandal and outing Ryan Giggs despite a superinjunction in place to prevent the information entering into the public domain. When Stephen Fry tweets a link to a website, it usually crashes because it can’t handle the volume of traffic he sends. When social media goes viral, there’s little you can do to stop it.