However much to my chagrin, spillage did occur and gas soaked through the blanket so much that I was lucky not to have passed out from the fumes! Once I got close to the scene I was shocked to see a police car with flashing lights and a wrecked van in the grassy median and immediately I knew that she had been rear ended despite the flashing of her hazard lights. Thankfully, the accident turned out to be minor and no one was injured. As I drove my vehicle home the stench from the spilled gasoline was so overwhelming that I had to put my windows down to avoid losing my vision! Once home, I attempted multiple remedies but none were successful in eradicating the smell of gasoline. I tried vinegar which made the car smell like cabbage soup with a touch of vinegar, an aerosol car freshener which made the car smell like minty wood – with a strong touch of gasoline, freshener in a can, freshener on a rope and finally a combination of all these together. Finally after a few days, I simply left the windows open on my vehicle for a few hours each day (coupled with two cans of freshener) and the gasoline smell went from dizzying to nauseating to tolerable to negligible to gone!