I have Google's Blogger app on my iPhone and iPad mini. I can write articles for publication from anywhere with an Internet connection, but are they read, are they shared? That is our subject for today.
One of the biggest growth areas involving mobility is mobile marketing. If your company's target customers are researching products, comparing products and buying products on mobile devices then the following information about Google+ and Ripples may be of interest to you as it is to me. I have invited social media expert Allison Rice to share her expertise in this area with us.
Question: How do you know the number of people paying attention to your company's messages or articles on social media?
If you use Facebook, as more than 700 million active users do (most on mobile devices), then you click on your business page's Insights tab and read through about four pages of fairly detailed graphs and statistics. If you're on Pinterest, you've probably already checked out their new analytics page that launched in March, while Twitter users likely get their stats from Twitter Web Analytics.